Why Should You Get a Flu Shot?

By The Family Health Clinic Team

Since late October, you’ve probably heard “You should get your flu shot now!” from an advertisement, a friend or family member, or maybe even our clinic! You might think that it’s too late now to get your flu shot or maybe it isn’t important enough to do, but that simply is not true!

It is important to get your flu shot, and we want you to know why. We talked with four of our nurse practitioners about flu shots and summarized what they had to say so that you can see why getting your flu shot is important…and why it isn’t too late to get yours!

Why should someone get a flu shot?

Influenza, also called the flu, can be a very serious disease, more than most people understand. The flu can lead to hospitalization or even death. There are some statistics about deaths from the flu that might have you changing your mind about skipping out on the flu shot.

There are many different types of influenza, and the flu shot protects against at least three strains of the flu.

You cannot get the flu from the immunization, and it does not make you sick. A little soreness in the arm after getting the flu shot is normal. The flu shot, while not 100% protection, does provide protection from flu AND most importantly it can help keep you from being a carrier.  

Someone with a mild case of flu can carry it to frail elderly, very young children, or people with compromised immune systems and they can get very sick. Pregnant women can safely get a flu shot and research indicates that pregnant women who get the flu are at much greater risk for serious illness.

The flu shot does takes two weeks for it to be effective so there is a chance you could get the flu during that time. However, if you do get the flu, you are likely to have a milder case.

What would you tell someone who doesn’t think it’s worth it to get the flu shot?

First of all, the flu is miserable. You can get a high fever, a cough, body aches, even pneumonia and more. It is possible to die of complications from the flu. 

The flu vaccine is the only way to prevent influenza. Although it is possible to get influenza even if you’ve had the vaccine, you will have a less serious case, and it is not as likely to result in serious disease.

And last but not least, it isn’t just about you! Getting the flu shot can also be about protecting all the people you are around. Think about your parents and grandparents, new babies, co-workers, and anyone you know with an immune deficiency. 

So, is it too late to get my flu shot?

No! The chances of getting the flu continue through the winter months and can extend even into April! There have even been cases of the flu in the summer months.

The flu vaccine can protect you as soon as 10 days and up to two weeks after you get it, so take the step to protect yourself and those around you now!

To learn more about getting your flu shot, call the Family Health Clinic at 800-321-5043.

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