The Family Health Clinic has pharmacists that can help you manage your medications and health conditions. Pharmacists can work with you to help control your blood sugar, decrease your blood pressure, quit smoking and much more! If you have questions on new medications or are wondering about side effects you may be experiencing, ask the pharmacist. The pharmacy team can also help you with issues relating to affordability of medication including insurance questions, prior authorizations, and Medication Assistance Programs.
We provide the following services:
Pharmacists are available at the Delphi and Monon clinics typically on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am to 5:00pm. The pharmacists are primarily at the Delphi and Monon locations, can work with patients from all clinics. They are available to meet with you in person by phone, or via Telehealth.
Your pharmacist is available for one-time counseling sessions on medications or multiple follow-up appointments about health conditions. The pharmacists can be reached at the following numbers:
Delphi and Burlington: 765-564-3016 Ext. 2038
Monon and Wolcott: 877-797-2404 Ext. 2207
Click the button below to call our scheduling and make an appointment, or call (800) 321-5043.
You can call (800) 321-5043 to make an appointment, or if you have a Patient Portal account, you can click the button below to go to the portal and request an appointment.