The holidays can be a stressful time for many but can also be a good opportunity to reflect on the past year and take some time to enjoy all the magic the holidays have to offer. There are some simple habits and tricks you can use to help reduce stress and get the most enjoyment out of this holiday season.
Embrace nostalgia.
Tap into your inner child by allowing yourself to experience the joy of the holiday season. Watch your favorite holiday movie, go look at holiday displays, or bake your favorite treat from your childhood.
Volunteer and donate.
One of the best ways to celebrate the season is to donate toys, time, or money if you are able to do so. Volunteering has been proven to increase happiness. Additionally, many organizations have special holiday activities that require a minimal amount of time or financial support. You can help spread joy to those who are lonely or experiencing hardship.
Surround yourself with friends and family.
Make sure to schedule time with those you care about during this holiday season, and pay special attention to include loved ones who may have experienced a significant loss or do not have a large support system. Consider including them in your holiday activities.
Set a budget and stick to it.
Financial stress is one of the biggest stressors of the holiday season but it does not have to be. Making homemade presents and treats can be a thoughtful gift, helps alleviate the financial burden of the holidays, and serves an added bonus of participating in self-care activities that can reduce overall stress levels.
Say no.
Sometimes we accept too many invitations and feel spread too thin during the busy holiday season. Make sure to limit the number of engagements you accept if you feel you do not have time or energy to attend all of them.
See the magic of the season through the eyes of a child.
I can think of no greater source of joy than watching children’s eyes light up as they see the lights or talk about Santa. If you are feeling stressed, take some time to talk to a child in your life or take them to a holiday activity and try to tap into some of the joy they are experiencing. It can be contagious!
Make sure to schedule time to celebrate what the holiday means to you. Whether it be through a religious ceremony, a family gathering, an office party, or just a fun night out with friends, make sure to take some time to reflect on all you have to be thankful for and to spend time with those you care about.
Would you like to talk to someone? We’re here for you.
If you feel overwhelmed or like you need to talk to someone during the holidays or any time, the Family Health Clinic’s Behavioral Health team is here for you. You can call (800) 321-5043 to learn more and make an appointment.