Nutrition for Pregnant Women | National Nutrition Month

By The Family Health Clinic Team

March is National Nutrition Month, and at the Family Health Clinic, we’ve decided to put our own spin on it by focusing on proper nutrition for pregnant women! We interviewed Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Jan Davis to find out more about the importance of nutrition during pregnancy. You’ll also find helpful information that you’ll want to know if you are or are considering becoming pregnant!

Jan Davis – Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner

In general, in what ways should pregnant women change their nutrition during pregnancy?

Most likely, increasing protein is the biggest change women need to make. Women need 60 grams of good quality protein during pregnancy, and this can be both plant and/or animal based. If a women gets four dairy servings: two glasses of milk, a yogurt, and some cheese, she will get half her protein needs. Eggs and peanut butter are excellent low cost sources of protein. Additionally, 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended. Then, fill in with grains.

What steps should women take during pregnancy to ensure they are getting proper nutrition?

Following  the above recommendations will help ensure they are getting proper nutrition. I also recommend a Prenatal vitamin which “supplements” good nutrition. Be sure to check out the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).  WIC offers nutritional counseling and supplemental foods that focus on quality proteins, fruits, and vegetables. You can learn more here.

What is one thing you would emphasize to a pregnant woman about proper nutrition?

Watch out for empty calories: soda pop, Sunny Delight, Hi C are sugar water with no significant nutrition.  Limit simple sugar, cookies, cakes, pie, donuts, sugary cereals in favor of protein, fruits, and veggies. If you are not a big vegetable eater try and add a few simple greens: canned or frozen green beans, peas, carrots are easy to prepare. Raw broccoli dipped in ranch dressing is a simple way to start getting raw veggies in!

A final note…

Your baby is totally dependent on you for his or her nutrition so be intentional in planning your meals!

Questions about pregnancy? Contact the Family Health Clinic!

Our Nurse Practitioners are here to help you through your pregnancy. If you have any questions about pregnancy or are thinking about becoming pregnant and would like to learn more about our women’s health options, call (800) 321-5043 and make an appointment!

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