Family Health Clinic Staff Spotlight: Amy Aeschliman

By The Family Health Clinic Team


This month, we celebrate Amy Aeschliman’s third year as our Family Nurse Practitioner at the Family Health Clinic! Get to know her better by seeing her previous education and work experience and reading our interview with her below.

Amy’s Education and Work Experience

  • Undergrad at IUPUI with a BSN in Nursing
  • Grad at IWU with masters in Family Practice
  • Most of career before becoming an NP was based at Methodist in Cardiology:
    • Step down cardiac units, Cardiac ICU, and the Cath lab and Interventional Radiology
  • Some time at Wishards ER

A conversation with Amy

What drew you to the FHC originally? And how has the FHC changed since?

I was a Family Nurse Practitioner student looking for clinical hours. While in school I came across an article written about the clinics and was very excited to see an all Nurse Practitioners practice so close to where I lived. From there, I “stalked” Jim and Barb S. routinely until they let me have some hours at the Delphi clinic.
The clinics have doubled in size since I was hired, and I have moved from the Delphi clinic to the Burlington FHC when it opened in Jan 2015.

What do you like most about working at the Family Health Clinic?

I like working so close to the community I grew up in. I am from Russiaville and love being able to serve a rural community much like the one I grew up in. I also love the people I work with and their commitment to helping others in the community.

What is one of your proudest moments at the Family Health Clinic?

When we opened Burlington, a lot of folks had not had medical care in several years. Those first few months were slow, but the level of illness was very high. I am very proud to see those beginning patients doing so well after getting “tuned up”.

What are 3 words you’d use to describe the Family Health Clinic?

Compassionate, empathetic, Community-centered (Sorry, I had to use four words!)

What do you like about working in the local community? 

It is nice to see our impact in the community. We see our patients at the gas station, getting lunch etc., and it is a great feeling to see them doing well, staying healthy

Why do you think having health services like the ones the FHC provides is important in the local community?

So, the Burlington community is a special case. They went from having a ton of services locally to nothing in one day.
For this community, it was truly life saving for the elderly. Not only the local access to the clinic, but support services such as our insurance navigators, mental health, information about food pantry’s, and more!

Feel free to share about your family and hobbies!​

Scott and I have been married for 16 years and have one daughter, Alexa. We love traveling as much as possible!! We have 1 cat (Bud)and 1 dog (Eddie) both rescues, and whatever critter Alexa brings in from the yard or neighbors. I will stay up as late as possible reading as much science fiction as I can get my hands on or until Im too tired to function!

Amy, thank you for all of your work for the Family Health Clinic and local community! We are so happy to have you as part of the Family. 

To make an appointment and see Amy, call (800) 321-5043.

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