Celebrating One Year at the Family Health Clinic’s New Monon Location

By The Family Health Clinic Team

The Family Health Clinic has been present in the city of Monon since 2006, and in 2019 we’re celebrating one year at our new Monon clinic location. Before this new space, the clinic was located in an old insurance building. 

When WLFI interview us, Nurse Practitioner Yadira Santiago said it best, “Even though everything was kind of crammed into one space, the clinic did miracles.”

Now our new space has allowed us to continue to grow and better serve our patients. The new location’s official title is the John G. Brown Family Health Clinic, and our new location features six exam rooms, a pharmacy, a lab and more.

To help you better understand the impact of the new clinic location, we interviewed Family Health Clinic Interpreter and Scribe Michelle Longoria. 

Michelle has worked at the Family Health Clinic since 2009 where she began part time and then became a full time staffer working at the front desk and answering calls. She would also translate in the rooms during intake. As Michele says, her title has never constricted her. She has worked in several aspects and functions of the clinic, wherever needed. 

As part of her job at the new Family Health Clinic of Monon she runs the Women’s Cancer Program (YWCA), Nexplanon, and Mirena. The Women’s Cancer Program offers free mammogram screenings and PAP for women who qualify. 

Learn more about Michelle’s experience at both the old and new Family Health Clinic of Monon locations and at how the patient experience has changed. 

Michelle Longoria

An Interview with Michelle Longoria

What are some of your favorite parts of the new Monon clinic?

The new building along with extra space has been a plus. This allows us to care for more patients efficiently. 

How has your own physical working environment changed?

I now have a private space where I speak to patients and work with confidentiality. 

From your point of view, how has the patient experience changed from the old clinic to the new clinic?

With the new clinic there have been some adjustments that patients have had to make. We have heard that it is harder for patients to walk here. We used to be in the middle of town where there are sidewalks. There is no pathway to walk or ride your bike now.

However, that does not stop our patients from getting here. They are resilient and happy to come no matter what, rain or shine. Our providers have also changed over the years, but our patients are very fond of the new providers. 

How have you seen the clinic grow since moving into the new building?

We have new patients everyday on the schedule. Word is getting out  that we offer multiple services such as CDL, physicals, and prenatal care. We also tend to receive lots of walk-ins since our clinic is more noticeable. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share with the community about the clinic?

We have great providers and staff. We try our fullest everyday to give our 110% of ourselves to make sure that we are available for our patients and that we treat them as if they were our own family. 

Make an appointment at the Family Health Clinic of Monon. 

If you’re looking for high-quality care in your community, we hope you’ll consider the Family Health Clinic of Monon. Come experience the new clinic for yourself and see how we “give 110% of ourselves” for our patients.

To make an appointment, call (800) 321-5043. 

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