Your Guide to the Health Insurance Marketplace

By The Family Health Clinic Team

We know there are many questions when it comes to figuring out your health insurance. That’s why we’ve answered some of the most important questions about the Health Insurance Marketplace below.

What is the Health Insurance Marketplace?

The Marketplace helps uninsured individuals and families find health coverage.

When you fill out the Marketplace application, you will find out if you qualify for private insurance plans or Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Private insurance plans – We’ll tell you if you qualify for lower costs based on your household size and income. If you don’t qualify for lower costs, you can still use Marketplace to buy insurance. Plans cover essential health benefits, pre-existing conditions, and preventative care.

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program –  These programs cover millions of families with limited income, disabilities, and other circumstances. If it looks like you qualify, we’ll help with the application and enrollment process.  

When is Marketplace Open Enrollment?

Marketplace Open Enrollment started November 1 and lasts until January 31, 2017.

Do I have to have health insurance?

The law requires everyone to have insurance coverage, either through the Marketplace, Medicaid, or some other means. It’s important to remember that if you don’t get coverage, you might have to pay a fine.

The fine for not having coverage in 2016 was $695 or 2.5% of yearly income – whichever is more. 2017’s fine may be higher and adjusted for inflation. Rather than pay the fine, it makes more sense to enroll in coverage and get the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re protected.

Ready to apply and enroll or have questions?

At the Family Health Clinic, we provide free in-person assistance. Our Health Insurance Navigators help you explore your health insurance coverage options and assist in the enrollment process. Navigators do not sell insurance but will offer you information about the options you have.

Contact one of our Health Insurance Navigators below to schedule an appointment.

Barb Hickner
Kaylee LaOrange

During Open Enrollment, we will also have a Health Insurance Navigator at various local libraries. See the schedule below:

Mondays, 5 PM – 7PM
Rotating Mondays, 9AM – 2PM
Thursdays, times vary


You can also visit or call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 for more information.

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